I will discuss two different sets of interrupts, normal interrupts and error interrupts. 我们将讨论两种不同类型的中断:普通中断(normalinterrupt)和错误中断(errorinterrupt)。
"Reports are queued for delayed reporting when the user is offline or the error is not critical enough to interrupt the user." “当用户脱机或错误并不严重而没有必要打扰用户时,报告将会排入延迟报告队列。”
But the traditional software time will arise the accumulative error because the time cycle is not considered perfectly, because of the interrupt response time is not confirmed, the error arose by the timer interrupt method is not rooted. 但是传统的软件定时方式由于时钟周期考虑不全容易引起累积误差,而采用定时器中断方式定时由于中断响应周期不确定性而产生的误差更具有非固定性的特点。
This paper analyses the time error between timer overflowing interrupt and CPU responding interrupt, states method and instance of compensating error 分析了单片机定时器溢出中断与CPU响应中断的时间误差,并给出了补偿误差的方法和实例